Dona ora
21 dicembre 2023

Cooperante per un'educazione inclusiva 100%

Fornirai consulenza e supporto al Dipartimento dell'Istruzione della Regione di Kavango occidentale nell'assistenza scolastica alle e ai bambini con disabilità.

The Namibian “Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture” (MoEAC) is a longstanding partner organisation of Comundo in Namibia. It is committed to deliver an equitable, quality and inclusive education for all children and adolescents. With its Directorates of Education Arts and Culture (DoEAC), it is represented in all 14 regions of the country. Especially in the north of Namibia, schools need more specific knowledge and facilities to provide adequate education for all. That is why, the Directorate of Education Arts and Culture in the Kavango-West region aims to improve the inclusive education as it is set in the Sector Policy on Inclusive Education of Namibia.

Your activities / tasks

As a co-worker of Comundo you contribute to the country programme of Comundo in Namibia, which supports the MoEAC and its DoEAC in the implementation of the Inclusive Education Policy. Therefore, you advice and support the regional DoEAC to build the knowledge of teachers and principals for the needs of children with disabilities and learning difficulties. You provide training in the management of heterogeneity in the classroom with a focus on differentiation methods and learner-centered activities.

  • Capacitate teachers, advisory teachers, officers, inspectors, principals on inclusive education practices
  • Support in setting up tutoring groups for learning support
  • Support and organize the realisation of visual, hearing and other medical screenings
  • Design continuous professional development programmes on inclusive education
  • Co-create a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of inclusive education practices and thus the Inclusive Education Policy
  • Support Basic-Pre-Vocational Subjects and Training in schools

 Your profile

  • Knowledge and experience in inclusive education (degree or working experience)
  • Experience in classroom management
  • Training of trainers’ skills or experience in adult education
  • Having a good command of written and spoken English
  • Monitoring and evaluation knowhow
  • Experience in leadership
  • High ability to adapt to new situations

Residence in Switzerland or Germany.




Candidati ora
Campo d'attività
Nkurenkuru /  Namibia
2-3 anni


CV / Files


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