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26. Januar 2024

Junior Technical Advisor in Education 100%

Unterstützen Sie ein Jahr lang eine lokale Partnerorganisation in Kenias Bildungssektor bei der Verbesserung des Zugangs zu einer hochwertigen Bildung für alle Kinder und Jugendlichen.

In Kenya, Comundo aims to provide children and young people, including those with special needs, with better learning outcomes through inclusive and competency-based education at primary and secondary level and to equip them with better technical, vocational and transversal skills relevant to employment and entrepreneurship.

As a Comundo Junior Co-Worker (Technical Advisor), you will be part of the Comundo Country Program in Kenya, working in the offices of one of our Partner Organisations (PO). You will contribute to improving the quality and accessibility of education in a different environment than the one you are used to by providing methodological or administrative support to an institution in the field of education. You will strengthen the organisational and technical capacities of the organisation and its staff. You will have the opportunity to contribute to the strengthening of one of our partner organisations while setting a unique milestone in your biography. You will have an opportunity to get exposure, gain experience and learn.

To join our team, we are seeking a young and dynamic person with some of the following skills: Curriculum development, Competency-based education and student-centred teaching practices, setting up new or providing support to existing TVET programs, technology-based learning, strategy and policy development, education management and school administration, communication and data management, career guidance, labour market integration, project management, etc.

Your profile

  • Solid qualification in education, education/business management, or any related field
  • Experience in the education sector and in project management
  • Collaborating and working well with others
  • Experience working in diverse teams
  • Familiarity with project management tools, methodologies, and best practices
  • Substantial computer literacy and very good command of the English language
  • High social skills and intercultural sensitivity

We offer

  • An interesting working environment that offers space for self-initiative, participation and intercultural human relations.
  • Adequate preparation.
  • Introduction to the situation of the country of assignment and local support
  • Living and insurance costs during your assignment
  • Travelling costs in both directions

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noch offen /  Kenia
1 Jahr


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