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3. Mai 2024

Administration & Finance Management 100%

Ihr Fachwissen im IT- und Finanzbereich unterstützt unsere Partnerorganisation in Namibia darin, die Effizienz und Effektivität innerhalb des Bildungsministeriums zu steigern.

The Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture Namibia is a longstanding partner organization of Comundo and is committed to deliver a fair and inclusive education for all children and youth. In addition, the Ministry promotes Namibian art and culture in favor of national unity and in consideration of its diversity.

Your activities / tasks

The Comundo Country Programme Namibia contributes significantly to a better education for all children and youth. To achieve this goal, we collaborate with the regional Directorates of Education, for this assignment in the Kavango-East Region in north-eastern Namibia. Our task is to capacitate the regional management on goal-oriented planning, implementation and monitoring as well as on budgeting and controlling in Finance. Further goals are to increase efficiency of the human resource section as well as to improve communication and teamwork within the organization. That is why we are looking for a professional, who is able to conduct the following tasks:

  • Capacity building on general administration and bookkeeping, as well as IT-resources.
  • Improvement of periodic reports and monitoring tools for better controlling
  • Create, improve and implement suitable processes in the public administration 
  • Plan, organize and conduct trainings where suitable. 
  • Intensification of the networking between the Directorates of Education of different regions and at national level.

Your profile

  • Degree in business administration or equivalent 
  • Work experience in financial administration and management 
  • Experience in training of trainers, workshop facilitation, monitoring and evaluation
  • Excellent computer literacy
  • Database knowledge as an added advantage
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills 
  • Very good knowledge of written and oral English
  • Resident of Switzerland or Germany


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Rundu /  Namibia
2-3 Jahre


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